How to import product details

How to import product details



You can import products from a standard CSV file (details described below). When you click on the Import button you are shown the following dialog:

Product Type : 

This is the import type for the product at the moment the only format supported is the OSOP format, we will add additional formats to a future version of the product.   You can find details of the fields, headers and formatting requirements for the OSOP format here :

Product Import File :

This is the location and name of csv file that you want to import, you can click on the '...' button to the right of this field to browse to the file that you want to use.

Overwrite products with same product code (SKU) :

When this option is ticked, if any of the products already exist they will have their details overwritten from those taken from the product import file. If you do not have this option ticked if a product exists with the same SKU as included in the CSV file that product will not be imported. This can be useful if you only want to import new products in the CSV product import file.

Update information in existing products :

If this option is ticked (and the 'Overwrite products with same product code (SKU)' is ticked) the product details will only be updated if the field has a value (is not blank) in the import file. Having this option ticked is useful if you only want to have a few fields in the Product Import file and only want to update those values. If this option is not ticked all the product details will be updated (and any values not given in the product import file) with blank values. Having this option unticked is useful if you want to replace all values in the product with those in the file. 
