How to use the the Mailing List feature to send emails to your customers

How to use the the Mailing List feature to send emails to your customers

In One Stop Order Processing you can print out mailing labels, envelopes or address lists for your campaign, the following steps will guide you how to print them out.

To open up mailing list feature, go to Marketing > Mailing List.

In the image shown below, you set up the filter of what customers you want to display 

Main tab

Dates: This is where you select the date and the filter to use for the date, in the example shown above I will be shown all orders that were ordered up till the 29th March 2016. 

Order Status: You get the option to choose the order status of the orders, currently 'Shipped' is selected but you can choose to only see orders which have been marked as paid or cancelled.

Payment Status: Filtering by the payment status will give you the option to only see the orders which either been paid for or rejected.

Filter On 'Receive Emails' Status: This option allows you to filter on whether 

Include Address Details From: You can choose to use either the Invoice or Delivery address in the mailing list.

Product Search tab

This is where you narrow down the mailing list based on a particular product that is sold.

There are two search options for products, you can use the Reference which will check the SKU and the Name which will search for the Item title.

Location Search

The Location Search tab allows you to base the mailing list on a location.

If you were looking to only mail people who are from a particular country or have a certain value in their address, you can use the 'Search By' options to narrow this down.

Order Details tab

The Order Details tab can be useful when offering special promotions to people that have purchased and/or spent over a certain amount with your store.

The 'Orders Placed' field allows you to filter on how many orders the customers have placed.

'Order Value' filters on the amount of all orders placed or just a single order.

Options tab

This is where you are provided various options for the exported mailing list file.


You can include both the date and site name in the name of the file.


If you create multiple lists, you can either overwrite the existing list of add it to the end of it.


File Header


You can include the field names in the header of the exported file using this options.

Unique Field

To differentiate the customers in the mailing list, you can use any of the fields provided.


Preview tab

The Preview tab gives you a list of all the customers that meet the criteria you have applied on the other tabs.

You may need to click on the 'Preview list' button at the bottom to apply any new filters if orders do not appear in the list.

At the bottom you can click on the 'Export List' button to export the mailing list to a CSV file. This will get exported to the location specified in the 'Filename' field to the right.

By clicking on the 'Print' button, you are provided Printing options as shown below.

This gives you the option to print the mailing list as envelopes or labels as well as the type of paper to print on.