How to use different VAT rate for different products in orders

How to use different VAT rate for different products in orders

This is done by under the Import Orders menu under Adjust TAX, tick Split VAT out at and type in your value (e.g. 20%), This is shown below.

However some of the products in an order may have different VAT rates (e.g. books).

To use a different VAT rate from some items you should create a product (in Product Management) and set its VAT rate to the required rate.

1. This is done by clicking Products->Manage, then selecting the product with the different VAT rate.

2. Double Click on the product and select the Main Details tab.

3. Enter the VAT rate for the product in the VAT Rate field.

4. Click OK

5. When importing products you should tick Get VAT rate from products from the Adjust TAX section of the Import Orders menu.