Using an AMTU replacement (e.g. EZOrderLink™) to automatically process Amazon orders and products
One Stop Order Processing (OSOP) provides automated support for Amazon orders and products by using the Amazon software AMTU.
AMTU, provides the ability to download and upload Amazon order and product files to its website will stop working at some point.
Other companies are developing a replacement for AMTU that works in the same way, i.e. OSOP looks for order files in folders on the PC and imports the orders, and updates Amazon by creating files in folders on the PC, which are picked up and sent to Amazon to update order and product status. The other software takes these files to and from the Amazon Seller Central website
At the current time, EZOrderLink™ has been produced. This provides the same facilities for OSOP that AMTU does.
To use EZOrderLink™ you should visit this has been setup and configured you should select the
Use Files option in OSOP, shown below:
and change the folders to look for files in. The folders will have been configured in the relevant software e.g. EZOrderLink™. You should also make sure that all the options that
Open the relevant Amazon pages are unticked, shown below:
NOTE: If you do tick any of the Open Amazon page options this will open up the relevant website page in Amazon Seller Central and allow you to manually select and upload the required file.