Click here to open the support page
You should log into your support account before sending a ticket. For details how to do this see the link below.
Click here for help loging into your support site.
If you do not already have a support account see the link below for details on how to set one up.
Click here for help setting up a support account.
From here you need to create a new ticket, to do this click Submit a Ticket as shown below
A new dialog will be shown, select and click Next
Now add your details into the form, you will need to select Lost Licence from the circled drop down list.
Add a subject and message to the ticket.
The message should include;
Name and Company Name
License(s) purchased.
Date of purchase, if known
An example message is shown below.
To send the message, you will need to complete the CAPTCHA verification. This is a security check we run to prevent automated submissions from overloading our website.
You fill this in by typing the characters you see with no spaces between each character. An example of this is shown below.
Then click Submit.
You will then see a message that says, 'We have received your request and our team will get back to you shortly. You can log in to the helpdesk to review the status of your request, or check your email for further updates.'