How to show orders that haven't been exported in One Stop Order Processing

How to show orders that haven't been exported in One Stop Order Processing

he following article explains how you can view orders that have not been exported from within One Stop Order Processing.

This feature is available in the Professional, Premium, and Managed subscriptions of One Stop Order Processing.

Following the instructions below to see how-

1. Click the '...' next to the view selection drop down bar -> Click 'Change Export Options'

2. Tick the 'Add comment to order memo when exported:'

3. Type 'Exported' into the box next to this value and export the orders you have selected.

4. Click the '... 'next to the view selection drop down bar -> Click 'Customise'

5. Click 'Order from the 'Type Box', select 'Notes' from the 'Available:' box and use the '>' to move it to selected. Click OK

6. Tick the 'Use Advanced Filtering' 

7. Set the 'Field:' option to 'Notes'
 Set the 'Criteria:' option to 'Does not contain' 
Set the 'Value:' option to 'Exported'

8. Click the '+' next to 'Use Stored Filters' and Name your filter and click OK

9. When using this filter only orders that have not been exported will show.