How to include a conditional statement into a report using Macros
The following guide explains how to include a conditional statement in a report using Macros
This feature is available in the Lite, Professional, Premium and Managed subscriptions of One Stop Order Processing.
Html templates contain many macros to determine the data used on the report.
You can create more complex macros to calculate or to only use fields if certain attributes are true.
The following guide shows you all of the possible macros that can be used in One Stop Order Processing.
Towards the bottom of the macros guide it shows you how to create advanced macros.
Note: When creating calculations using macros in reports you need to put "#!#" either side of the calculation.
e.g #!#[%ORD_SUB_TOTAL%][+][%ORD_PNP%][*][1.2]#!#
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