How to import orders from Stripe into One Stop Order Processing?
The following guide explains how to import orders from Stripe into One Stop Order Processing-
This feature is available in the Lite, Professional, Premium, and Managed subscriptions of One Stop Order Processing.
The article below will state how you can import your orders from Stripe into One Stop Order Processing.
1. Click the import button (Orange down arrow)
2.Click Add
3. Select 'Other Shopping Carts, CSV import (OSOP Format)'
4. Click '...' and select your CSV file
5.Select your date format (E.g DD/MM/YYYY HH:MM: SS)
6. Tick ' Use OSOP compatible header for order import file'
7. Input the following into the bar below.
Order ID,Order date,NA,Invoice Customer,Invoice Company,Invoice Country,NA,Invoice Address line 3,Invoice Address line 1,Invoice Postcode,,Delivery Customer,Delivery Country,NA,Delivery Address line 3,Delivery Address line 1,Delivery Postcode,Invoice Telephone,NA,Invoice Email,Shipping method,Item title,Item title2,SKU,Item quantity,Item price,Item weight,NA,NA,Notes,Total P&P,Total Tax,Grand total,NA,Payment method,Payment Status,NA
8. Tick 'Mark all imported orders as paid.
9. Continue to import as usual.