How to edit reports to highlight orders with different invoice and delivery addresses

How to edit reports to highlight orders with different invoice and delivery addresses

How to you set a specific logo for each of your selling channels

If you amend the invoice in notepad (or any other editor) and change the text



#!#[%INV_POSTCODE%]X[=][%DEL_POSTCODE%]X[][<font color="#FF0000">]#!#[%INV_ADD%]#!#[%INV_POSTCODE%]X[=][%DEL_POSTCODE%]X[][</font>]#!#

This puts 2 macros around the invoice address to add html to change the font colour if the postcodes are different.

You can edit the invoice by going to Tools / Options /  Invoice Options and then clicking on the 'Change page layout' button.