How to change the location of the notes/text on a Royal Mail Click and Drop label

How to change the location of the notes/text on a Royal Mail Click and Drop label

You can print additional text onto a Royal Mail label by adding text into the Notes field in the Click and Drop Courier Settings. These are displayed at the bottom of the label. For example, Notes text of

If out please leave safe¬Location 4

Would produce a label as shown below:

NOTE : To use a new line you should use the ¬ character.

You can adjust the position, length, font size of the additional text shown on the label by using the following registry values (to start the Registry Editor, run Regedit.exe). Find the 


 area and amend the values shown on the right hand side, shown below:

ClickAndDropNoMaxNoteWidth : The maximum length of a text line (in twips). The default value is  2120 (Change to 1500 to not write text over your logo on the label).

ClickAndDropNoMaxNoteLen - Maximum number of characters to have in a single line. The default is 50 characters. If there are more than this value a new line is started.

ClickAndDropNoMaxNoteSize - The font size to use. The default value is 65. To reduce the font size use a lower value (e.g. 50). Using a smaller font you can get more text on the label.

ClickAndDropNoXStart - The X (distance from the left hand side of the label) value. The default value is 130. To move the text to the right increase the value. The maximum value is 2120.

ClickAndDropNoYStart - The Y (distance from the top of the label) value. The default value is 3210. To move the text up decrease the value. The minimum value is 0.

To test any changes, without having to recreate a new label you simply have to tick the order and select the Couriers->Royal Click & Drop->Retrieve Tracking Numbers and Labels for Ticked Orders menu option. When you change the registry values you don't have to restart One Stop Order Processing you just have to create a new label.