How do Courier Rules work?
The following article explains how courier rules work in One Stop Order Processing.
This feature is available in the Professional, Premium and Managed subscriptions of One Stop Order Processing.
For a full video tutorial on how courier rules work in One Stop Order Processing
click here.
Things to keep in mind whilst doing this are:
- Rules run in order from top to bottom so make sure that if there are any overlaps you decide which rule should take priority.
- If you are having issues with rules setting the wrong courier Follow the menu option Tools-> options -> Courier -> tick "show detailed processing information" then re-run the rules and it will show you which rules set the courier/service
- When setting up couriers and testing rules you can put the software in test mode by following the menu option Tools -> Options -> Courier -> Setup Couriers -> You click on the courier tab you are setting up and set it into test mode.
- If you are planning on using the Yodel or Royal Mail Netdespatch integration, we recommend applying for an account early as it can take up to a week for your credentials to come through.