Can't mark orders as shipped on Ebay if no courier tracking details are filled in on order (error Communication error with EbayEbay: Error Input data is invalid. : Ebay: Error Input data for tag is invalid or missing. Please check API documentation. : Ebay: Error code 37)

Can't mark orders as shipped on Ebay if no courier tracking details are filled in on order (error Communication error with EbayEbay: Error Input data is invalid. : Ebay: Error Input data for tag is invalid or missing. Please check API documentation. : Ebay: Error code 37)

One Stop Order Processing (OSOP) puts in the text

No Tracking available

if you do not have a tracking number.

Ebay do not allow this value as it contains spaces, and is deemed an error, so the order can not be shipped.

You can get around this issue in 2 ways, by changing the text to use for No Tracking or, if you want to have no value shown (i.e.. blank), use the Macro Solution

Change No Tracking Text

The text to use for No Tracking is stored in the Windows Registry. To change this text use  the following approach:

1 Run Regedit (Run a Windows command prompt (Wndows Key and R and type Regedit.exe)
2 Find the branch, under HKEY_CURRENT_USER


3 On the right hand side find the value


4 Amend this value to the text that you want to appear (e.g. to remove all spaces use NoTracking)

Macro Solution

To get around this issue if you put in your no tracking details use


If you put this value ( {REMOVE} ) in the Tracking Number for an order, OSOP will remove all text in the order tracking details, i.e. send a blank , that are sent to Ebay (or other courier websites).

For all newly imported orders put the value in the Shipping options, shown below:

For any exising orders put this value in the tracking field for each order (already imported)